What is the price of a Walkabout Mother Bin? Everyone is curious to know the price, especially when they stand next to her for the first time. We often get the question, what does something that big cost? Our answer to that is, and always will be, it’s about what a Mother Bin will save you, not what the cost is.
If you’ll quickly work out the return on investment you’ll realize that the WOW factor a Mother Bin gives you in the field also reflects in your profits. We know the Walkabout Mother Bin is a premium product and not for everyone. To see if it’s the right fit for you, read on.
An operation’s need should be figured in…
- How many combines do you have?
- How many grain carts do you have?
- How many hours a day do you combine on average?
- What does it cost you to run each combine and grain cart per day? Figure fuel, labor, and maintenance.
So, your combine and grain carts are costing you $$$$ a day to run.
- Are your combines stopped waiting for the trucks to return to the field?
- How often does this happen?
- How long do the combines and grain carts sit waiting per hour each day?
Those pain points are just a couple of the factors we measure to see if a Mother Bin is a good fit for an operation. We encourage you to work out what down time, and other harvest frustrations, are costing you.
Now let’s touch on truck expense. If your truck driver spends 15 minutes less in the field, every load, do you really need an extra truck? The one truck could deliver 2-3 extra loads a day, if not more!
Consider your list of harvest expenses when factoring the price of a Mother Bin…
Consider the list of expenses during harvest that are cringe worthy. Consider how much time is wasted waiting on trucks to return. The Walkabout Mother Bin wipes out unneeded expenses and wasted time. It will keep the harvest rolling and allow you to harvest more in one day than you ever thought possible. View the Mother Bin’s specifications.
A Mother Bin will shorten your harvest. Potentially, then, you could pick up some custom acres, or get your next crop in the ground or move on to fertilizing or tillage work. Or, better yet, you could rent out your Mother Bin to a neighbor for $1000 to $1500 per day. We know it’s easily worth that or much more.
Mother Bins are built to suit the needs of each individual operation and location; therefore cost may vary based on those factors. For a full workup on the return on investment for a Mother Bin, call our sales department. We are here to make your life easier. After working out the questions above, I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised to find out what the price of a Walkabout Mother Bin is.
By Crystal Kopecky, DOS