U.S.A. Owned  •  Made in the U.S.A.

A Milestone for Walkabout Mother Bins

A Milestone for Walkabout Mother Bins

This month marked a pretty big milestone for Walkabout Mother Bins. This gem rolled out the factory door, onto the trailer and into the field. She made her way back to a young farmer, local to our home office.

The new owner, Conner, was facing challenges just like many of our customers face, but also saw an opportunity to grow his business.  He is part of a diversified operation raising beef cattle and small grains.  Help on the farm is stretched thin between seasons and seasonal help in rural areas is increasingly harder to find.  The older generation on Conner’s farm simply doesn’t want to combine all hours of the night anymore; they have put their time in on those machines and they want to find the house a little earlier at night.  Conner looked at what he could do to change this scenario and adding a mother bin seemed to be the next step for him. It’s like a page from my own playbook — Mother Bins are the next natural progression for North American farmers, just like it was for Conner.

Walkabout Mother Bins is essential grain handling equipment

Fast forward through the next few days of harvest, post purchase. Conner has sent several messages describing how the mother bin was working in his favor, doing just what he thought it would. Most recently I received a video of him running with a two man crew after everyone else had gone for the night. He and the 2 man crew worked to fill the mother bin and the next day emptied like clock work.

Conner’s story probably sounds familiar to anyone reading this. It’s similar to every inquiry I get about a Mother Bin.  I ask qualifying questions to make sure a mother bin is right for an operation and in most cases, the root of most challenges faced are a lack of labor, bottlenecks at the elevator (not limited to the untimely closing of the elevator in the evening) and/or the increasing cost of maintaining a truck and liability. They all come full circle to a solution to these challenges — a mother bin.

I am thrilled for Conner and his purchase of a mother bin. I look forward to seeing his bin working so close to our home office and excited to see his business grow. If logistics and man power are your challenges make next year a milestone year for your operation. Consider what a mother bin can do for your 2022 harvest.

— by Crystal Kopecky, Walkabout Mother Bins Director of Sales for North America. 

Optimize Your Grain Harvest in 5 Steps

Over the next few days, we’ll send you 5 steps to optimize your grain harvest, including how to source excellent local labor and not-so-obvious savings.

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Fast-Forward to 1:02

Fast-forward this podcast to 1 hour and 2 minutes to hear Ray Bohacz form Farm Machinery Digest Radio talk about Walkabout Mother Bins.

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